Voices for Creative Nonviolence is happy to help promote simultaneous screenings of the documentary FREE TRIP TO EGYPT to occur in 500 theaters nationwide at 6:30pm Central Time this Wednesday, June 12th. The film follows a group of Americans who are self-confessedly fearful and hostile toward Muslims but accept free tickets to Egypt on condition of sharing their lives during the trip with the people they fear. The screenings will be part of a #PledgeToListen Day of Unity for thoughtful connection with the Muslim world, and they will be followed by a telecast live-panel discussion from Washington DC featuring the film’s producers and participants, along with “celebrities, politicians and thought leaders!” The trailer is at www.FreeTripToEgypt.com which also has links to the day of unity campaign and to social media avenues for helping promote the event. Those wishing to jump straight to ticket purchase can visit https://www.fathomevents.com/events/free-trip-to-egypt/theaters but why not first take the pledge at www.freetriptoegypt.com/pledgetolistenday_event? Our friends at Fellowship of Reconciliation are helping to promote the film, and we told them that we would ask. 🙂 |