Following Thursday’s 7pm panel with Jehad Abusalim and Ret. Col. Ann Wright, and leading into Saturday’s Gaza Freedom Flotilla on the Chicago River, on Friday July 19 we will gather at the Israeli consulate and proceed to a noon rally at war-profiteer Boeing’s corporate HQ.
At 11:30am in front of the Israeli consulate, 500 W. Madison, join us for a silent witness and reading the names of Palestinians killed in Gaza in 2014. We will continue our procession to Boeing’s International Headquarters, 100 N. Riverside Plaza (southeast corner of Randolph) at noon. Check out and share the Facebook page for this event at
Interested? Contact us now at 773-838-3815 or!
This event is part of three days of action to build support for ending the blockade of Gaza and the 2020 Freedom Flotilla. Since 2010, the Freedom Flotilla Coalition has sent many international flotillas sailing to Gaza to highlight the brutal violation of international law and of Gazans’ human rights that is the Israeli government’s lethal Gaza blockade. Voices members have joined past flotilla actions seeking to free Gazans from a crushing economic siege and from airstrikes, arrests, torture, and the myriad human rights violations inherent in apartheid. It is time to give Gazans desperately-needed access to food, fuel, medicine, employment, & basic human dignity. The next international sailing is in 2020, but this summer our message is for the people of the United States. Join us! #Chicago4Gaza #NoBombsfromBoeing #GazaUnlocked #EndtheBlockade