Iran War protests in Chicago: 1) Friday July 12th rally, 2) ongoing Tuesday AM vigils, and 3) the post-attack emergency response

On Friday July 12th please join a 5:30pm rally at 190 N. State St,
by the Lake St “L” near the Chicago Theater, at ABC7-TV Studios. 

Every Tuesday (planned) from 7am-9am, please consider dropping by Voices’ Federal Plaza early bird vigil against the war – we’ll be near the large Calder sculpture at 230 S. Dearborn, call 773-865-6042 to get on our vigil list or confirm day-of.

On the day of/after a U.S. attack, please gather at 5:30pm at Trump Tower – the day of the tragic attack, if an attack occurs before 3pm.

Voices for Creative Nonviolence firmly opposes White House efforts to increase tensions in the Persian Gulf and create the conditions for a devastating U.S.-Iran war.

The U.S. should never have reneged on the Iran Nuclear Deal, imposed such brutal sanctions, or fabricated pretexts to fool its public into one more senseless war.  The U.S. must:

  • Draw down its dangerous naval presence in the Persian Gulf
  • End its economic war against Iran, lifting crushing sanctions
  • Stop reneging on the six-country Iran Nuclear Deal
  • Retire the 2001 AUMF’s use as a blank-check pretext for endless war