Without Due Process From Mass Incarceration to Assassination VCNV organised a 150 mile peace walk between 28th May to 10th June, from downtown Chicago to Thomson Prison, a new supermax federal facility due to open nextContinue reading
Author: admin
Weaponized Drones And The Endless “War on Terror” By Ed Kinane
Weaponized Drones And The Endless “War on Terror” Like the phony “war on drugs,” the phony “war on terrorism” promotes economic interests, serves political agendas, entrenches militarism. Neither war reduces drug use or violence.Continue reading
Women’s Draft? Sign Me Up To Abolish War by Rivera Sun
Women’s Draft? Sign Me Up To Abolish War For too long, the women of this nation have been complacent while our brothers, sons, husbands, and fathers are sent to kill, maim, brutalize, destroy andContinue reading
Is Afghanistan the New Old West for Claim-Jumping? By Bill Distler
Is Afghanistan the New Old West for Claim-Jumping? “Privatization of Afghanistan’s state-owned companies, which controlled many of the country’s mineral resources, was ongoing but not complete.” (From the 2011 edition of the U.S. GeologicalContinue reading
Photos and videos from SHUT DOWN CREECH!
Brian Terrell (on right) with fellow Iowans, Frankie & Rene at Shut Down Creech. Brian was released from jail late Monday night, April 3, after spending 3 grueling days in a holding cell (no bed), because BrianContinue reading
April 4th update: During the second annual SHUT DOWN CREECH event at Camp Justice on US Highway 95, a week of vigils and education led to 26 people getting arrested while trying to enforce aContinue reading
Ending the war inside and outside us
The young faces and stories that have been affected by war are captured here by Dr. Hakim. The article follows the introduction.
Relationships can Heal Terrorism
The Afghan Peace Volunteers learning methods and techniques of healing and forgiveness. Dr. Hakim shows us the strength of relationships and how understanding, compassion and insight can bring about a peaceful world. Please click here, note: ‘RelationshipsContinue reading
Bamiyan Peace Park: Even the Stones will Speak
Dr. Hakim shares the joys of working with the Afghan Peace Volunteers and bringing to fruition the Bamiyan Peace Park. Click here to read, note: the Bamiyan Peace Park photos and writing follows the introduction.
No Trust
Frank Pauc has participated in two long walks with Voices for Creative Nonviolence in protest of drone warfare. The essay below is about an experience he had while organizing a presentation about his recent book. “Do youContinue reading