To listen to Carolyn Coe’s interview with Aaron Hughes and the Afghan Peace Volunteers click link. The December 27th, 2015 audio interview is directly under the video of a previous interview with Aaron Hughes. Look for the playContinue reading
Author: admin
Jerry Berrigan Memorial, Twelve Activists Arrested at Hancock Air Drone Base
On Thursday morning, January 28, thirty life sized cutouts of Syracuse peacemaker Jerry Berrigan blockaded the main entrance of Hancock Air National Guard Base outside Syracuse, NY. The cutouts were accompanied by twelve nonviolent droneContinue reading
Veteran: What I saw on my trip to Afghanistan
This article originally appeared on A commentary by Ron VanNorstrand “Are you crazy?” “Are you out of your mind?” My friends’ concerns were foremost in my mind as I boarded Turkish Air FlightContinue reading
An Op-Ed by Frank Pauc first printed in the Milwaukee Journal President Hollande of France stated that his country’s response to the the Paris massacres would be “merciless”. That is an interesting choice of words.Continue reading