The young faces and stories that have been affected by war are captured here by Dr. Hakim. The article follows the introduction.
Month: March 2016
Relationships can Heal Terrorism
The Afghan Peace Volunteers learning methods and techniques of healing and forgiveness. Dr. Hakim shows us the strength of relationships and how understanding, compassion and insight can bring about a peaceful world. Please click here, note: ‘RelationshipsContinue reading
Bamiyan Peace Park: Even the Stones will Speak
Dr. Hakim shares the joys of working with the Afghan Peace Volunteers and bringing to fruition the Bamiyan Peace Park. Click here to read, note: the Bamiyan Peace Park photos and writing follows the introduction.
No Trust
Frank Pauc has participated in two long walks with Voices for Creative Nonviolence in protest of drone warfare. The essay below is about an experience he had while organizing a presentation about his recent book. “Do youContinue reading
Another Hard Reality about Afghan Duvets
“They are sick and tired of war, and want to abolish it. They represent the fragile, better sides of our human nature. They are the 99%.” Dr. Hakim. Click here to learn more on the distribution of duvetsContinue reading
Afghan Street Kid Mehdi’s Disappearing Dream
Mehdi dreams of being a doctor. Dr. Hakim shares this young man’s dream with us. Click here for the story.
Once More, Civilians Bear the Brunt of this War
A collection of quotes from attacked medical professionals in war zones by Buddy Bell and Kathy Kelly Last year on the early morning of October 3, a Doctors Without Borders trauma center hospital inContinue reading
Engaging the ISIS Threat
Marc Pilisuk – TRANSCEND Media Service We find widespread agreement that the methods chosen by ISIS and other groups espousing indiscriminate acts of terror are abhorrent. The recommended responses that I have heard suggested crossContinue reading
Genderless Bikes in Afghanistan
Dr. Hakim documented the Afghan Peace Volunteers participation for International Women’s Day. Please view the link
Below is the link to view a photo essay by Dr. Hakim which shows the Afghan Peace Volunteers participating in a permaculture workshop with Rosmary Morrow, a permaculture teacher from Australia.