We share the words of our imprisoned friend Martha Hennessy, who awaits trial in Georgia with six other brave activists facing serious federal charges for their swords-into-plowshares action, on the fiftieth anniversary of Dr. MartinContinue reading
Author: admin
A Courtroom Appeal for Yemen
Sentencing Statements by Kathy Kelly and Richard Ochs, 5/29/18 In a Washington, D.C. courtroom this past Tuesday, Voices’ Kathy Kelly and her fellow activist Richard Ochs accepted guilty pleas for their part in a JanuaryContinue reading
Two Interrogations, Gina Haspel and Adolf Eichmann
“the evasions and obfuscations of these two willing technicians of state terror are chillingly similar” By Brian Terrell On May 9, Gina Haspel, Donald Trump’s choice for head of the Central Intelligence Agency, testifiedContinue reading
An apology to the people of Iran
From our friends at CODEPINK: These are indeed terrifying times. Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear agreement is reckless, baseless and dangerous. We cannot allow him to take us down the pathContinue reading
Olive Branch for North Korea, Bombs for Iran?
by Medea Benjamin The Iran nuclear deal is on the verge of sinking on May 12, when Donald Trump will decide whether or not to waive the nuclear-related sanctions, as the deal calls for. WhileContinue reading
Robert Koehler – Change Is Coming
The cries of loss and anguish become public, at last. A million young people seize the truth: “Half of my seventh grade class was affected by gun violence. My own brother was shot in theContinue reading
Don’t Believe the Media Hype about Saudi Prince Mohammed Bin Salman
We’re quite honored to pass on this timely article by our friend Medea Benjamin. Saudi Arabia’s 32-year-old Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, heir to the Saudi throne after eliminating his rivals, is on a two-weekContinue reading
English for Reconciliation in Najaf – Martha Hayward
Our friend Martha Hayward writes of her recent visit to Najaf in Southern Iraq. Photos are from Voices collaborator Cathy Breen’s time with the project in Fall 2017. An Open Letter on Behalf of theContinue reading
March 15-18 (Thu-Sun) Kathy Kelly in NJ and PA
Thursday March 15 Highland Park, New Jersey In Highland Park, NJ this Thursday, March 15 from 7pm-9pm, Voices’ Kathy Kelly and the Catholic Worker Movement’s Carmen Trotta will be among those speaking in Highland Park,Continue reading
Day and Night in Kabul – Ken Hannaford Ricardi
We’re just now posting this piece from Ken’s January 2018 visit with the Afghan Peace Volunteers (www.ourjourneytosmile.org), ably representing Voices. Early on the first day of 2018, as first light got a tentative fingerhold onContinue reading