Voices for Creative Nonviolence is happy to help promote simultaneous screenings of the documentary FREE TRIP TO EGYPT to occur in 500 theaters nationwide at 6:30pm Central Time this Wednesday, June 12th. The film followsContinue reading
Author: admin
Memorial Day – Francis Pauc
One of the communal prayers said, “We pray for all veterans, that they may be healed of any physical and mental wounds.” Since I was at the microphone, I added “and any spiritual wounds”, because all of these bastards have spiritual wounds. Every one of them.
News from Cathy Breen in New York, remembering friends in Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Kurdistan and Turkey
Dear Friends, It’s been so long since I have written, that I don’t know where to begin. I pick up a binder and begin scanning through past “Dear Friends” letters. As I read, memories ofContinue reading
July 20 Flotilla: Gaza Freedom Flotilla on the Chicago River
After a Thursday forum with Jehad Abusalim and Ret. Col. Ann Wright, and a noon Friday protest outside Boeing, on Saturday July 20 Voices for Creative Nonviolence will join with the Freedom Flotilla Coalition’s USContinue reading
Evaluate War’s True Costs, Including Massive Debt – Ed Flaherty
This article first appeared in the Cedar Rapids Post Gazette. Have we become a welfare state for the military-industrial complex? In August, 2018, Congress passed the Fiscal Year 2019 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) withContinue reading
Mon 4/22: Let Yemen Live!!! Civil Disobedience in NYC
At 10:00 am, gather at Ralph Bunche Park, 43rd Street & 1st Avenue. At 11:30 am, march up 1st Avenue to 45th Street; Respectfully refuse to disperse from entrances to the US and Saudi Missions.
Love Letter From Kabul to Okinawa, the Outrageous Abolition of War
I decided to write this ninth love letter specially to Inaam, the 21st century generations of the world and the people of Okinawa because of three personal reasons. I miss having the wonderful energies ofContinue reading
The Case for Peace with Iran: a Meeting with Foreign Minister Javad Zarif
From Feb 25-Mar 3rd, Voices delegates Sarah Ball and Sean Reynolds joined 26 other U.S. activists in Iran as part of a CODEPINK delegation seeking to deflect long-term U.S. war designs against that nation. An indisputable highContinue reading
“Voice Raising for Yemen!” New York City, February 22- 26
Voices for Creative Nonviolence activists returned to New York City to join with friends from the Catholic Worker, Veterans for Peace, the Granny Peace Brigade and Rise and Resist to continue our witness demanding anContinue reading
Angela Swan Art for Yemen 2018
Our friend Angela Swan has created this art exhibit in Milwaukee where she is an MFA candidate at the UWM Peck School of Arts. It is focused on the U.S.-and-Saudi-engineered disaster of war and famineContinue reading